The Last 3 Miles

I'm a runner...& by runner I mean I like to run 3-4 miles 5ish days a week. I'm a this is my me time runner, a this is when I talk to God runner, a I quit once it's uncomfortable runner, a y'all are crazy to run marathons runner. I love to run my few miles right after I drop my boys off at school- it's part of my routine, I pull back into the garage & hit the pavement without even going back into the house. My body knows what's happening, my mind is aware of what comes next. It's comfortable. This morning I decided that since I felt so good at the halfway point that I should just keep going! Some runs are easier than others, not sure why but your body just cooperates- this morning's run was one of those runs. I thought, "hey, I'll run 6 miles today!" Crazy. So as I approach the 3 mile mark I turn around & start back on the same path I have traveled, headed back home. Three miles there, three miles back. And can I tell ya, those last 3 miles were NOTHING like the first 3. My body is conditioned to running 3-4 miles, not 6. So that last mile & a half was super ugly. I had that weird side cramp that I used to get running track in 7th grade- I'm pretty sure it was more of a flailing motion than running - think Phoebe's jog on Friends. Raising my hands to the sky to stretch my side I also raised them in surrender. Help me Lord to finish these last couple of miles. In that moment God spoke to me: sometimes He asks us to go a few more miles than we're used to, sometimes it's uncomfortable, it's hard. Unfortunately, human nature lets us think "piece of cake- the first 3 miles were a breeze, I got this!" We think I Got this! But my friends, WE don't got this- GOD'S got this! Only with God can we go that extra mile He's asking us to go. If He's asking you to show kindness to someone who obviously doesn't want your kindness or to step into a place of leadership at work, if it's to take on a larger role with your church, or if it's to show more love to your children, to mend the relationship with your spouse, to start a business, to stand up to peer pressure, or to look at yourself thru His eyes. Whatever He's calling you to do- don't try to do it yourself. He's the only way you'll make it! 

This past weekend was our women's conference at church & Holly Wagner spoke on stretching ourselves to reach that larger life that God has for us. Her words rang over & over in my mind this morning as I ran. Stretch, lean on Him & you'll make it. I did it, I never stopped running & I made it home just like we'll make it thru whatever obstacles come our way- because, unfortunately, they come. There will be trials- John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." You can overcome, you can conquer, you can go those extra miles, you can step out of the comfort of the mundane & into spectacular & overwhelming happiness. Now go get 'em!
I LOVED this interview by a high school football player! Just a little extra motivations for your day ☺️


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