Moderation: It's the Spice of Life

Today a friend asked me for my black bean brownie recipe, so I posted it & another recipe for uber healthy brownie bites to Facebook. I then proceeded to go thru the drive thru at chick fil a and grab lunch. I laughed at myself. I had worked hard in the gym for 2 hours, promoted healthy eating on FB, then ordered a 1,000 calorie meal followed by eating said meal- yup all of it! I thought to myself, this is what it's all about. If you work hard, you can play hard, right?! I am surrounded by healthy folks, friends who walk with me, who workout & push their bodies with me, friends who love a healthy salad. Friends that are very aware of my eating habits which are 90% of the time vegetarian & very healthy- but guess what? I really enjoy dipping my waffle fries in chick fil a sauce that other 10% of the time. I realize the older I get that this is life. We all try our best to follow the golden rule, & be honest, to be trustworthy, & make the correct choices & decisions day in & day out. But that other 10%? That's where the living is done. That's the cherry on top. Sometimes we fight, lose our temper, honk the horn at the old gentleman who sits at the light just a bit too long after it turns green. And those moments show our weaknesses- our vulnerabilities- our imperfections. That's where our annoying quirks & shortcomings live. It's like a narrow trail covered in thick brush & sticker bushes in the middle of the rain forest of our lives, smack dab in the middle of our paradise. Sometimes we must travel such treacherous terrain in order to find the hidden waterfall or the beach on the other side. Without our failures, our slip ups, and mistakes we wouldn't be able to enjoy the great times. I have friends who are super dedicated & probably haven't tasted the deliciousness of a waffle fry in 4 years- & for those of you with such discipline I say pooey on you! (I stick my tongue out too) lol I'm just kidding! But seriously, there are those people who don't struggle with the same thing as you do- & guess what?? That's awesome! How boring it would be if we were all the same. Your struggle isn't the same as anyone else's. It's unique to you, thus making you unique. This post is obviously not about food- I'm just a foodie & in my sauce drunken state I had this epiphany. Moderation is such an overlooked commodity these days. Everything is super sized! 10% of something bad is just enough to mold you- to chisel you into perfect imperfection. Live for the moment with one eye on the prize- live by the law & God's laws, but don't forget to fail a little. If you like your music loud- crank it up- if you like your windows down- let your hair blow, baby- if you love to dirty dance- pull your husband aside & get your groove on- call in sick- play hookie- kiss in public- wear that two piece at the beach- color your hair- write a book- speak your mind- raise your voice- let go- be free- express your deepest thoughts- do what you love! It doesn't hurt to let loose every now & then! And don't look at it as a failure- I often say "dust yourself off and start again tomorrow"- but from now on I say enjoy that 10%- keep the crumbs around and remember it- that way you can do it again when you're itching for a little something out of the norm! Enjoy those fries girlfriend! 

 *side note* let's not get crazy- there are things like adultery, murder, stealing, abuse, killing, & destroying that are non negotiable - don't do those! Not even 0.1% - like never...ever. *


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