March Madness

I'm standing there staring in the mirror for a good 5 mins. No movement, just staring. For the last 30 minutes I was trying on swimsuits. I booked our beach vacation & wanted to see if I needed some new suits. As it turns out they all look terrible- of course! Lol We as women are overloaded with pictures and ads and commercials of 6 feet tall women with perfectly sculpted bodies and augmented "girls". And for some reason we continue to compare ourselves to this edited, airbrushed lie. Not only do I compare myself to models at times, but I also tend to compare myself to other women in my life. 
I love to workout- I love to feel strong- I love to push myself. And usually that's enough- but come March every year the harsh reality of impending summer & shorts & sleeveless tops sets in & all the sudden I am no longer proud of how much weight I lifted or how many push-ups I can do, I'm only disappointed that no matter how valiant my efforts I am still disgusted at those dimples in my legs or how thick my thighs & rear are....and why in the world do I not have a six pack already?!?!?! 
Can I tell you guys something? At the exact same moment that I stand in front of the mirror disapproving of my legs I'm equally as disappointed in my view of myself. I think as women we all have those moments. One day I wake up feeling fit & fabulous- I look in the mirror & think, "not bad!" Then in a short 24 hours I wake up to see a frumpy, saggy, dimply mess. Why is this?!?! I say it's because of what I've let get into my thoughts.
I follow lots of fitness pages on Instagram. They're great motivation & I get tons of new exercise ideas from them. But for every one positive post there is one picture of a girl in tiny tight shorts or a bikini who is the perfect specimen. Let's be real- THAT'S why I'm so hard on myself. I work hard, eat healthy & can see tons of results in my athletic abilities- so why is it that I don't look like these pictures of perfection? I'll tell you why- because I'm ME. I'm 5'5", curvy, & "thick" as some would put it. My husband reminds me on a regular basis that he loves my curves, he could've totally been the writer for "Baby Got Back".  But about this time every year my mind wonders what I would look like if I just didn't eat for a couple of weeks. I even googled the master cleanse diet the other day- REALLY! Thinking, then maybe I'd have long legs (yeah, I guess I think that starving will stretch them) or maybe that little chunk of skin under my arm would go away, or that skin on my hips that stayed stretched after baby #2 would miraculously tighten back up. Typing this now, I realize how crazy these thoughts are- I'm ME- & short of getting plastic surgery this is going to be me! So here's where it's time to evaluate & embrace. I am/you are worth so much more than our thighs, or arms, or stomachs. We are women. We are caretakers, we are nurturers, we are story tellers, cooks, artists, business women, mothers, daughters, friends. I am fighting against the nasty thoughts that rise up this time of year with everything I've got. I'm rebelling against society's version of the perfect woman- because I have a God whose definition is much different & I can promise you He doesn't even consider your thighs! Be healthy friends- you are beautiful, you are perfect, you are worthy, you are loved- JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. Enjoy the things that challenge you, take care of your body & health- but don't compare yourself to unrealistic images. Because the people that matter only see the good that you have to offer & embrace every flaw. 

Now I'll need to print this & tape it to my bathroom window ;)


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