I'm a Brat!

I'm a brat. Straight up, spoiled brat, diva. It dawned on me as I drove away in the rental car- putting an actual key into the ignition *um, don't I just push the start button?!*, trying to adjust the seat with a manual crank, turning on the NOT automatic headlights & sticking my arm out the non-automatic window to adjust the rear view mirror- I'M A BRAT! 
My car got into an accident- it actually just got hit. I was parallel parked on a downtown street while I was inside the hair salon I work at making folks beautiful. I finished up around 5:50 & gathered my things...chatting for my usual extra 10 minutes before I walked out the door. As I walked to my car I noticed a cop car parked in the center of the road blocking traffic. As I looked to my right on the sidewalk I saw three men: beards, long hair, bandanas- OH MY GRAVY! IT'S UNCLE SY! Only....it wasn't! I grabbed my phone thinking, "I'll get a pic with Willie for my boys- Duck Dynasty & Mom- oh they'll love that! Mom of the year!" Except...as I got closer I saw a car in the road, on its side, in front of the cop car. Oh no! A wreck! Poor people- are they ok? What happened? It literally took me a solid 2 minutes to realize my car had been hit. Darn it! My new ride...hit?! Umph! 
It was warm that day, almost 80- I of course had on shorts & a cardigan (yes, it was so cute) but at this time of eve, the sun was going down & I was getting chilly! I talked to the police officers on the scene- squared away insurance & the whole nine - it was clearly the other drivers fault- & then called my hubby. Hubs to the rescue! He arrived on the scene lickity split & took care of the tow truck & I don't know what else because after all I am a brat. My boys arrived with the babysitter shortly after. So we got all my junk out of the back of my car & threw it in hubs truck- squared away all the "this & that's" (again- diva- no clue what all took place except that it was being taken care of).  I have a fantastic hubby, y'all! He kept his cool & totally supermanned the situation. Hallelujah for good men! As we left the scene, We headed to our ole trusty Mexican restaurant & reviewed the night's events. The boys were angry that someone hit our car, I was a little shaken & Josh was crunching the numbers & making mental lists of who to contact the next morning. We all decided that we are lucky- 1 minute later & I would've been getting in my car- I would've been hit- I thank the Good Lord that He spared me. My boys could've been with me, pedestrians could've been hit- instead NOONE involved in the accident left with even a scratch- & that my friends is a miracle in itself! 
The next morning we woke up & after dropping the boys at school immediately started getting our ducks in a row. Who to call- our insurance or his, has a claim been filed, how do we get a rental car- I have to have a car- preferably with a third row- I always have so many kids with me. The thoughts & to do lists were running away with us! We called the insurance company & did what we could & set off around 9 am to get me fixed up with a rental car. 
A few months ago that sweet man I call mine bought me a new car- a fabulous Land Rover LR4- love it! So of course it being damaged made me so sad! But I just figured that insurance would get me something comparable to rent & in a New York minute we'd be on our way- WRONG! We went to 3 different rental companies, 2 insurance companies & back to one of the rentals. At 3:45 I drove away with a Dodge Avenger. A great car no doubt. But I need a third row- hello- how will I do suburban car pool with a sedan? These kids have massive backpacks & stuff ya know! Don't they know this is a downgrade? Yikes! I felt it! In my words...I'm a DIVA! Ouch! Who do I think I am? Mariah Carey? Geez! 
As I decided to shut my eyes & bowed my head in shame (yes, I'm a brat, ugh) the sweet rental car employee guy drove up in the candy apple red Dodge Avenger- & my boys eyes got big the first time they saw it. "Is this our new car?!" "Awesome!!" "It's probably FAST!!" SHAME- I felt shame! My kids are so less bratty than me! Humbled, I got in the car as the sweet (no really he was so nice & helpful) rental car guy handed me the key.  Ok I told myself- I've got this- key in ignition- check! Twist this thing & turn on the lights- check! Crank this handle & move the seat up- check. Oh my gosh that's the previous renters crumbs right there on the gear shift- um...check. I can do this. I'm a germaphobe...but by golly...I got it! 
As I drove home I heard my boys oohs & ahhs- they loved it. After all, it did feel like we were sitting on the ground in a go kart. I really knew it then- I'm a spoiled suburban, stepford wife, golf course lovin', bake sale bakin' yuppy! 
This is just life. We are all doing our best. Sometimes I forget that my norm isn't everyone's norm. 
The guy that hit me was inebriated- I pray for him. My heart hurts for him way more than it hurts for my Rover- & that's a lot, folks. I pray that we each find our way/ him a wake up call of sorts- that he'll realize what a precious gift he was given that day, of life, & grace & of mercy. I pray that I get over myself. I'm going to crank that seat up manually & hang my arm out the window freely to adjust the rear view mirror of my lil' rental- because that's nothing. Material possessions are nothing- meaningless in the big scheme. Thanks for the reminder, God! I'm going to work on my diva-ish-ness! I'm a free loving little go with the flow person for goodness sakes...until u take away my push start & automatic headlights-  man this self awareness & adulthood are some hard pills to swallow.  We're just a work in progress aren't we all? Here's to keeping at it! 


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