Perfectly perfect

As we were strolling the streets of a small mountain town in Arkansas it hit me. My kids are perfect. My 10 year old with his lanky legs & forgetfulness, his creativity & inability to keep track of any item for longer than 2.3 minutes, sporting the coolest sunglasses $6 can buy.  My 8 year old with his pigeon toed walk, he's spitting of course- I'm sure something smelled funny & he had to expel it from his mouth immediately, he's wearing my Birkenstocks because he stepped out of my car in the bustling downtown streets of this quaint town in socked feet, no shoes to be found. But these 2 guys of mine- they're perfect to me.  It's sometimes hard to see- we're rushing to school & events, they're hitting each other, whining & tattle telling- I'm worn, frustrated- but still, it's there. Their perfectly imperfect perfection. These little boys are my life. I live & breathe for them- I will fight tooth & nail for their well being. However, as many of you can  probably relate, there are times where I feel the urge to rip off my clothes, run into the wilderness & live alone for a while (ok maybe there's a 5 star hotel in said wilderness with a spa & infinity pool but far far away from them none the less). But in those moments of hair pulling frustration I pray that I don't forget to stop & see their perfectness. Our perfectness. My husband & I don't do everything by the book- our home doesn't look like The Cleavers- most times I feel like we're living an episode of Roseanne. But we are perfectly perfect & I'm loving every second of it! Soak in this life folks- it's your only one! 


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