Through someone else's eyes
Today I went to a water park with my boys. A friend snapped a pic of us in our swimsuits. I then uploaded it to Instagram like always- then to FB. An innocent enough share right? Or so it seems at the moment. Problem is, I started feeling guilty & deleted it a few hours later. This is not my first offense in the "forget that everyone doesn't see things like you" moment! In May we went to the beach (Josh, the boys, & I) & I posted a pic then too- & deleted it not even 12 hours later. I posted the pics out of the same mindset that I post any pictures- just an "oh let's capture the moment" mindset- not a "bikini pic" mindset. You see, as a teenager I struggled with deep body image issues. I would go days with so few calories I'm surprised I didn't faint. I would guzzle gallons of water & suck on a blow pop at lunch so I wouldn't be tempted to eat. I overcame all of those issues, thank The Lord! I see myself differently ...