Most mornings we are running around like 3 crazy headless chickens (Translation: "chickens with their heads cut off" means running in every direction crazily). Most mornings I'm barking orders at the boys while stuffing their lunch boxes & trying to at least wash my face & brush my teeth before hopping in the car to take them to school. Most mornings I do lots of things wrong, but every morning there's one thing that I feel like I'm doing right. If the morning falls apart, if soggy cereal & sugar laden milk is spilled all over the floor, & shoelaces wouldn't stay tied with super glue I STILL get one part of our morning right. Every morning on our way to school while the boys are strapped in, without the radio on, while I have their undivided attention I speak over them. I say "you are men of integrity, character, & honor. You are first & not last, you are the head & not the tail, you are above & not beneath. Your feet are b...